CHENG Laboratory Epigenetics and Therapeutics in Immuno-Oncology


Our team is interested in investigating the mechanism of liver cancer immunotherapy resistance. We are currently recruiting two postdoctoral fellows to join us in this exciting research endeavor.

The first position is open to candidates with a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences or related disciplines. We are looking for individuals with solid experience in immunology, cell biology, single-cell experiments, animal studies, and molecular biology. They should be self-motivated, with good problem-solving and communication skills. Their main responsibilities will include designing and conducting in vitro and in vivo experiments, assisting with experimental troubleshooting, generating data for grant applications, and preparing manuscripts for publication.

The second position is open to candidates with a PhD degree in Bioinformatics or Biomedical Sciences. We are looking for individuals with strong experience in analyzing single-cell RNA and single-cell ATAC data. Relevant experience in analyzing multi-omic data from clinical samples, as well as wet lab techniques such as cell biology, animal studies, and molecular biology, will be an advantage. Their primary duties will involve analyzing multi-omic data, including single-cell and spatial transcriptomics, to elucidate the mechanism of liver cancer immunotherapy resistance, assisting with data analysis troubleshooting, and generating data for grant applications and manuscript preparation.

We welcome interested candidates to reach out to me directly at and to discuss the positions and the research in more details.

Posted on 20 May, 2024

We also welcome medical students and BSc in Biomedical Sciences who are willing to finish final year project or take part in summer research internship prgramme here! With the guidance from Prof. Cheng and lab members, you will engaged in research projects and acquire hands-on research experience and techniques.

MPhil-PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Graduate Education
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)
Cancer Biology and Experimental Therapeutics thematic research program
School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Our lab is part of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine’s School of Biomedical Sciences, located in Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building.