CHENG Laboratory Epigenetics and Therapeutics in Immuno-Oncology

Dr.Wang Jing was selected as Oral Presenter at the 1st HKU-CUHK Joint Postdoctoral Biomedical Sciences Symposium

Dr. Wang Jing has been selected as an oral presenter at the 1st HKU-CUHK Joint Postdoctoral Biomedical Sciences Symposium. The event will be held on 22 March 2024 at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong.

This prestigious opportunity highlights her outstanding research and dedication. We’re proud of her achievement and look forward to her presentation!

The event provided a valuable platform to bring together postdoctoral fellows from both schools to showcase their research achievements, engage with peers, foster collaborations and enhance their skills in communication, leadership and networking. It has attracted over 100 participants, including professors, postdoctoral fellows and postgraduate students from HKU-SBMS and CUHK-SBS. The keynote speech was presented by Prof. Zhenguo Wu from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) highlighting valuable scientific discoveries on muscle stem cell biology.

For more details, please refer to SBS news here.

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