CHENG Laboratory Epigenetics and Therapeutics in Immuno-Oncology

Bid farewell to Dr. Zhong Chengpeng

After three years of fruitful collaboration, our lab bids farewell to Dr. Zhong Chengpeng, a visiting scholar from the Renji hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.

Dr. Zhong joined us in November 2020 and since then he has contributed significantly to our research. Dr. Zhong is a hepatobiliary surgeon. He is always willing to guide us mouse model surgery. He has also been a great colleague and friend, always ready to share his insights and experiences with us. We are grateful for his dedication and enthusiasm, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors. We hope to keep in touch with him and continue our cooperation in the future.

Group photo with Dr. Zhong Chengpeng(center)

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